
广告配音 610 0

BRUCE: Hi, I’m Bruce Blitz and welcome to Cartooning with Blitz. Now I have a question to ask you, which sign makes you thirstier for lemonade, this one right here – lemonade for sale – pretty boring, huh. Just writing. Or this one, ice cold lemonade, gotta picture of this guy drinking a nice cold glass of lemonade. And I don’t know about you but it makes me pretty ….


That’s what I call service, huh? So ah…这就是我说的服务,是吧?

So as you can see, signs have to attract attention. And that’s what we will be doing today, signs and posters. Now for our Feature of the Day, a neat cartooning gadget called the Thaumatrope. I think you’ll like this, stay around for that. And for our Doodle Trick portion, Nametoons, finished cartoons from names like Alf and Joe. Stay around for that I think you’ll like that one too. So in the meantime, to your health, and let’s draw cartoons.你可以看到,标志必须吸引人,这就是我们今天的主题,标志和海报。今天的当日特辑,是一个非常有趣的技巧,叫做西洋镜。我想你会喜欢的,别走开。今天的涂鸦窍门部分,叫做名字卡通,从名字Alf和Joe来完成卡通画。千万别走开,我想你会喜欢的。同时,为健康干杯,我们来画卡通吧。

BRUCE: Alright, for our first sign today, let’s draw a carwash sign. Now this could be for a fundraiser, for a business and we’re going to start with a car. Now in cartoon world you know we can have the car with human features. Now this is two circles that will indicate the car’s headlights. And now let’s draw the grill. Now if you notice we’re bending that grill a little bit because we’re going to make the grill into the car’s smile.好了,今天的第一个标志,我们来画一个洗车的标志。也可以是为了筹集资金的,或者一个生意,我们先画一辆汽车。你知道,在卡通世界里,我们可以让汽车有人的特征。这两个圆,显示的是汽车的头灯,我们来画汽车护栅。如果你注意看的话,你会发现有点弯,因为我们要把这个护栅画成汽车的微笑。

detail like the bolts that are holding it in. Now these are the headlights. Let’s put some eyes in here, so let’s make him happy because he’s getting washed and he’s happy about that. And some eyebrows. Now for the car, now we just have to double this a little bit, what we’ve already got laid down. And put an emblem on the hood. And put some tires on. Tires are nothing more than cylinder shapes. All objects can be broken down into 4 basic forms and one of them is a cylinder. A ball’s another one. A cone’s another one. And the cube. And here’s the back tires, in the rear.现在,我们来画些细节,像是螺钉,这是头灯。我们来画眼睛,我们让它看起来很高兴因为它要被清洗,它很高兴。眉毛,现在是汽车,我们要把已经画好的加双,在引擎罩上画上徽章,画上轮胎,轮胎就是一些圆柱体,所有的物体都可以被分解成四个基本形状,其中一个是圆柱体。另外还有球体,圆锥体,还有立方体,这是后轮胎。

And that’s a little darker. Alright now, let’s put a guy behind the wheel. He’s getting his car washed and it’s the kind you drive through, I always liked that kind. And there’s his chin. And signs, you see signs everywhere. I mean, when I go to a store, I don’t want to see words, I want to see a picture. Here’s his bowtie. I mean it just makes more sense to me and makes it easier. Alright, now here’s his shoulders. And let’s put the steering wheel in. And here’s his fingers, okay. We’re going to put in the windshield. And to make that look like glass we just put a couple of diagonal lines, right over the drawing, don’t worry about it. Now let’s see, now we’re going to make it like he’s coming out of the car wash, which is a square shape. He’s driving out of the garage part. And, let’s see, now there’s going to be a big puddle on the ground because after all it’s all wet. And let’s make that look like wet with a reflection effect. And some water splashing all over the place like he just came out, he’s happy. Let’s put those lines in there, like that. And you know what, I’m going to put a title on this, and I’m going to call it Spiffy Car Wash. 有点黑,好了,现在,我们在轮子后面画一个人吧。他要洗他的车,就是那种到处开的车,我很喜欢。这是他的下巴,标志,到处都能看到标志,我去商店时,我不喜欢看到文字,我喜欢图片。这是他的领结,感觉更明白、更容易理解。好了,这是他的肩膀。画上驾驶盘,这是他的手指,好了。我们来画一下风挡,为了让它看起来像是玻璃,我们画一些斜线,在这里。别担心。好了,我们看看,我们现在要让这辆车看起来像是刚刚洗完的,是一个正方形。从车库开出来,地上有一滩水,因为是湿的。让它看起来有一些反射的效果。水溅的到处都是,因为它刚出来,它很高兴。我们来画一些线,像这样。我现在要加个标题,我们叫它美捷洗车。

That’s a good name. Spiffy Car Wash. Now, as I was saying, when you travel, you see signs everywhere. You don’t just see words. There is a universal language in this world, and what is that, that’s right, love. No, not love. Love too, but, pictures. You go into an airport in a foreign country, they can’t assume everyone knows the same language so when you go to get something to eat they might have a picture of a knife and fork and so on. Okay let’s put a little color into him. Now all you have to do is check around in your area and see who might need a helping hand, for a sign or a poster. Alright, you know what, I’m going to show you a little trick to do these tires. See how…now if they’re a curved object, see how the top part would be a little bit darker and then we stagger those lines a little bit. See that, how it looks a little bit rounded now. Do the same thing up here. Yeah, I like that. Maybe where the car’s casting a shadow over that tire. See how that just pops right out. 是个很好听的名字。美捷洗车。我说过,你在旅行的时候,你在各处都可以看到标识。你看不到文字。有一种通用的语言,那就是爱。不,不是爱,我要说的是图画。你到了一个异国的机场,不能指望大家都讲一种相同的语言,所以如果你想找点吃的,你可以找到刀和叉子的图片。好了,我们来给它上些颜色,你可以在你的地区查看一下,看看是否需要一个标志或者海报来帮忙。好了,我来给你一个画这些轮胎的小技巧,如果物体是有些弯曲的,看看上面是否有点黑,然后画这些弯线。好了,我们现在看看是不是有点圆了。上面也是一样的。好了,我很喜欢。汽车在轮胎上投下阴影。看看主体是不是突出了。
Okay, let’s do another one, and, uh-oh, 好了,我们再来画一个。

It’s time for today’s pun. You tell me what this is, ready? Give up? He’s feeling tense. Alright. Alright, let’s do another sketch, and this one is something that you may see in maybe a school or something, because it deals with recycling. And that’s something we should all be concerned with, right? 该到今天的双关语版块了,告诉我是什么,准备好了马?放弃?他感觉紧张。好了,我们再画一副画,这个可能是在学校里可以看到的,因为是关于环保回收的。这是我们每个人都应该关心的,是吧? Now right about here I’m going to make an oval. Now I’m not going to finish that oval, because, I’m going to show you why in a second. Because we’re going to put a character in there. And these are going to be two trashcans. Now, out of this one here we’re going to make a bottle. Because when you recycle, you have to have bottles, trash and plastic and all that. 这里我要画一个椭圆,我不打算把椭圆画完,我马上会告诉你为什么。因为我们要在这里画上一个人物。这是两个垃圾箱。这里,我们要画上一个瓶子,因为回收,你需要瓶子、垃圾和塑料什么的。So we draw a bottle shape right in that trash can, and we can put a couple in the back, kind of poking their heads out. Alright, now, right here we’ll put a face. Put two ovals, now let’s have them looking at us. And some eyebrows. And here’s a nose, and a mouth, and a big smile because he’s telling us something. He’s telling us to recycle. 这里在垃圾箱里我们画一个瓶子的形状,后面画一些,头伸出来。好了,这里画上一张脸。画上两个椭圆,让它看着我们。眉毛。鼻子,嘴,很大的微笑,因为他在告诉我们什么。它希望我们能环保。Okay, one arm’s going out this way, and here’s his hand. Let’s put a circle like we always do when we draw cartoon hands, and a thumb, and fingers. Fingers on a circle. And another one over here. 好了,一只胳膊这样出来,这是它的手。像我们往常画卡通手时一样,画上一个圆,大拇指和手指。沿着一个圈画上手指。这里再画一个。Now this one here, we’re going to make that circle and we’re going to make the thumb, and just one finger up and the other one is bent back. See that, he’s pointing. Alright, now over here we’re going to draw another character. And this one’s going to be a box. 这里的这个,我们画上圆,画上大拇指,一个向上,一个弯回来。看着,他指向我们。好了,这里我们再画另外一个人物。这是一个箱子。 This is the paper trash can. 这是废纸箱。 And remember before, when I said that everything could be broken down into those basic shapes and one of them was a cube, well that’s what this one is going to be build from. 记得以前,我说过任何物体都可以分成基本形状,其中的一个是立方体,这就是这个的基本形状。Put some more paper in the background, some crumpled up paper. And let’s see, we’ll give this guy some cartoon eyes. You know what, we’re going to give him different kind of cartoon eyes, like that. You have to change the features in cartoon world too. And let’s give him a big old smile, just like the other fella. 后面画上一些纸,一些揉皱了的纸。好了,我们给他画上卡通风格的眼睛。知道吗,我们要画上不同类型的眼睛,像这样,就像另外一个家伙一样。And his mouth, and he’s happy too. So let’s see, we’ll have his arm coming up this way. Same way. And here he’s pointing, his fingers are bent back. And let’s see, his other arm well that’s down. Okay. Now, we’re going to get another marker, with a thicker point and we’re going to have the word ‘recycle’ and we’ll put it in a talk balloon. C-Y-C-L-E. And we put it in a nice big talk balloon, one pointer going to him, and one pointer going to him. And there you have it. 他的嘴,他很高兴。我们看一下,胳膊朝向这边。相同的方法。他的手在指着什么,手指是弯的。另外一只胳膊垂下来。再拿另外一只记号笔,用笔头粗一些的,我们写上“环保”,把它放在一个思维气球里。.一个箭头指向他,另外一个箭头指向他。好了。Let’s put some color into this. I think it came out pretty good. Here’s one for you. What sign would you see on an astronaut’s door? Give up? Out to launch. Huh? That’s a pretty good one. See how I’m coloring this in? Putting more color on the outside, because over here it gives us a sort of rounded effect, almost like we did with the tires before. 我们给这个家伙上些颜色,出来的效果不错。这个给你。在宇航员的门上你能看到什么标签?放弃了?发射,是个很不错的。看看我是怎么上颜色的,这个?外面的颜色多一些,因为这里给我一种圆的感觉,像是前面画轮胎一样。 And you know what else I’m going to do, is get a different color marker, and I’m going to write GLASS and TRASH. Paper trash. 还有什么呢,拿一个不同颜色的记号笔,我要写上玻璃和垃圾。废纸。Okay. A little more color into this guy. You know what, I’m going to put some blue in the background, and make the character come to the foreground a little bit. Now this is the kind of thing you could do for school, as I said, you know, and when I was a little guy, I used to do signs in school all the time. 好了,给这个家伙上些颜色。我打算在背景上用些蓝色,让人物主体突出一些。这是你在学校做的,我小的时候,我一直在学校画这些。A teacher would ask me to help make a sign for this and that, for projects and whatever, and once the word gets out that you like to draw cartoons and that you are an artist, people start to come to you. And you know something, after awhile, it’s just image anyway. If you believe yourself to be something, you are. If you believe yourself to be an artist, then you are an artist. Let’s make this box a little green. And as I always say around here, the first rule of drawing is just to have fun with it anyway, you don’t have to worry about whether your work is good or bad, and good enough, and all that. Don’t worry about it, you’re the artist, express yourself! Okay, take a look at this sketch here, and I’ll play you a little recycle music because these guys are brothers, and these are the recycle twins, so…老师会让我帮忙画海报,文字出来以后,你希望能画卡通,你是艺术家,有人会找上门来。你知道,很快就是人物形象的问题,如果你相信自己,你就可以做到。如果你相信自己是个艺术家,那么你就是艺术家。我们把这个盒子画成绿色的。我说过,绘画的第一个原则就是要快乐的创作,你不用担心你画的还是不好。不要担心这些,你是艺术家,表达你自己。好了,看一下这副画,我来演奏一些环保音乐,因为这些是兄弟,这些是回收双胞胎,所以

Alright, let’s do another one. And this time we’re going to do a sketch for a business. Maybe a business that your friend has, or your brother, for a lawn care service. So let’s start with a guy mowing his lawn. We’ll start with a circle, just like that. And we’re going to lay this out with a stick figure first. A stick figure and shapes together is what we’re going to build on. Now, here’s one leg coming out this way, and that’s a shape, here’s a shape. 好了,我们再画一个。这次我们要给公司画一副图,可能是你朋友的公司,或者是你哥哥的,是个除草服务的公司。先画一个在除草的人。我们先画一个原型,像这样。我们先用线条画出人物的大概。线条还有基本形状。一条腿这样出来,是个基本形状。And now his other leg comes back here, and here’s his other foot. Okay, now his arms, going to be sticks as well. And a shape for his hands. And now all we have to do is go back and build on what we’ve got. Feature by feature. Here’s his nose. 他的另外一条腿这样,这是他的另外一只脚。好了,这是他的胳膊,像是线条。这个形状是他的手。现在,开始把画好的再仔细描画一下。一个器官一个器官的画。这是他的鼻子。 And let’s give him a big smile. And here’s his teeth. And he’s happy. And let’s put a baseball cap on him. And here’s the back of his head, put some hair. 大大的微笑,这是他的牙齿,他很高兴。画上棒球帽。头的后面,一些头发。Alright, now, we’re going to thicken up what we’ve already got here. There’s his sleeve. Here’s his forearm. And if I was working with pencil right now, the stick figure lines that I have down, I could erase. 好了,把已经画好的描画一下,这是他的袖子,这是他的前臂,如果我现在用铅笔工作,那些已经画好的线条,我可以删除。If I worked with pencil right here, I’m afraid you won’t see it, so I’m going to put it down in marker for you. And when you do it, you can erase your guidelines. Just going over those guidelines, and here’s his shoes. We’ll give him sneaks, how’s that? And how do you know they’re sneaks? 如果我用铅笔线条画,我担心你会看不清,所以我准备用记号笔画。画好后,可以把参考线擦掉,沿着参考线画,这是他的鞋。画上运动鞋,怎么样?你怎么知道是运动鞋? Because we put these ruffly lines on the back. Watch, I’ll do this one too. And here’s the laces and there’s the tread on the bottom. Okay, now, we put some shadowing here, and we’ll make him running fast so we use those cartoon effects and accessories, that we can’t live without, right? 因为我们在后面画上这些皱皱的线。好了,我来画一下这个,这是花边,这是底下的鞋底。好了,这里画上一些阴影,我们让他跑得很快,我们添加一些卡通特效,这些是不能缺少的,是吧?And right in here, he’s holding on to a lawnmower. Now right here we’re going to draw the lawnmower. Now when you’re drawing props in cartoon world, you don’t have to draw something that perfectly, all you have to do is suggest it. 这里,他扶着剪草机,好了,这里画上剪草机,在卡通世界里画道具的时候,你不必要画得特别完美,只要意思到了就行。Like if you were drawing a fax machine, or a phone answering machine, all you would have to do is draw a box and a couple of dots on it for like buttons and things, you wouldn’t have to go crazy looking exactly what it is, because it’s only a prop and in cartoon world it sells. That’s an expression, “sells” to the reader. In other words, it actually comes across as what it is. Now you will see in a moment that this is enough to let you know that its going to be a power mower. And so far you’ve got the wheels and you’ve got that little rectangle there, and here, I’m going to put a face on it even. Another inanimate object coming to life. Like he’s glad that he’s helping him mow the lawn and he’s cutting his grass. Let’s put some grass coming out, and some perspiration, maybe even some sound effects. 如果你要画复印机或者电话应答机,只要画一个盒子,上面几个小点,作为按钮,不需要画得非常细,因为这只是道具,在卡通世界这样就可以了,读者能够明白。就是说你表达了你的意思。马上你会看到,这会是个马力强大的除草机。你画好了轮子,还有小的长方形,这里,我要画上一张脸,一个景物变得有生命的例子。好像它很高兴在帮助他除草,他在除草。我们来画一些草,一些汗珠,甚至一些声效。

And some background. And I’ll get my marker out and we’ll call it Len’s Lawn Care.背景,我会拿出我的记号笔,写上Len除草服务。

Now, I’m going to show you some cartoon lettering. This is called block lettering or balloon lettering only you can do it rounded or square. Now here’s Len’s. And all it’s a matter of doing is…thickening regular letters. Len’s. There’s the apostrophe. And here’s the “S”. Lawn care. Now this one we’ll write like this. Alright. 现在我来演示一下卡通字母技巧,这个叫做版块字母或者气球字母,就是写成圆的或者方的,这是Len,就是把通常的字母写得更粗一些。Len的,这是省略符号。这是S, 除草服务,这里我们这样写。好的。We’ll put a little color into this guy. Yeah. I think he came out great. And after awhile, you’ll find out that your work is in great demand, then you can even charge a little bit. Or at least get your lawn for a while, for free. 我们给这个家伙上些颜色,是的,我觉得效果不错。过一阵子,你就会发现你的画大受欢迎,你甚至可以赚点钱。至少可以免费除草。 You know once I lived out west, and I lived in an apartment complex. And in that apartment complex, I went into the laundry room and people were always overstuffing the machines, and the landlord was always upset about that, and he was telling me about it. And I told him, I could make a sign for him that said please don’t overload the washing machines. And he said, great, that’d be a great idea. And I made a sign and I had a cartoon version of washing machines, with faces on them, and I had a talk balloon coming from them saying “Please don’t overload us”. 你知道我曾经在西部住过,我在公寓楼住过,我去洗衣房,人们总是把洗衣机装的很满,房东很发愁,他告诉我这个。我说我可以给他画一个标志,让他们不要把洗衣机装得太满。他说这是个不错的主意。我画了一副提示图,我画了卡通式的洗衣机,上面有脸,上面画了思维气球,上面写着“不要装得太满。”And, you know they had socks coming out of them, and they looked like they were overstuffed, and it was a very funny sign. And it really worked. See how these color stix just bring this thing right to life here? I like that. Nice green in the background. And it worked. And just because they had that sign up there, people stopped overloading the washing machines, and he even paid me for that, a little bit. I think he took $5 off my rent, I don’t know. Something like that. Well, let’s do another one right now. And this is going to be a quickie, for a water ice sign. 你知道,一些袜子飞出来,看起来是非常满得,是个非常有趣的提示,效果不错。这些颜色让这张图看起来生动起来了?我很喜欢,背景来些漂亮的绿色。效果不错。因为有这个提示,人们不再把洗衣机装得很满了。他甚至付钱给我,一点钱。他从我的房租中减去了五美元,差不多,我记不清了。好了,我们再画一个。这个我会画得很快,是刨冰的招牌。Now that’s what we call it up north, but water ice, Italian ice. You know, when you’re real hot out. And you want to have something cool. So let’s draw a cup. 北部地区叫做水冰,意大利冰。就是你感觉特别热的时候吃的那种特别凉的东西。我们来画一个杯子。Which is like an oval shape. I won’t color that in, I won’t fill that in yet because we’re going to do that with the water ice. Now we’re going to make a cylinder shape like this, that tapers a little bit at the bottom. 是个椭圆型,我不打算给它上颜色,我现在还没填满,因为我们要画刨冰。现在我要画一个圆柱体的形状,底部有些尖。Now for the face. Now he’s going to be cool, because he’s cool water ice. So we’re going to put cool shades on him. Here’s his nose and there’s his shades. Now we’re going to fill in the shades. You leave a little white space, you don’t color it right up to the line. You want to have that little reflection effect. And his eyebrows are up. And a big smile, but not with his teeth. 现在来画脸,现在他会感觉很凉快,因为他吃了刨冰。我们来给它画上一些凉快的形状,这是他的鼻子,他的阴影部分,我们来把阴影的部分填满。在中间留出一些小的空白,不需要把颜色一直涂到线的位置。你需要反射效果,眉毛向上挑。大大的微笑,但是没画牙齿。Just like a cool smile and over here we’re going to put some water ice, which is fluffy like that and, of course, some is spilling out. And he’s going to be walking. 这里我们画上一些冰,有些弯弯曲曲,当然,还洒出来一些。他在走着。 We’ll have him strutting, like this, watch. And here’s his legs. And let’s see. We’ll have this leg pointing up. And he’s strutting, this one here will be going back. And here’s his other foot. Bending because he’s on the ground here. 他在大踏步走,像这样,看着。这是他的腿。腿向上,他在迈步,这是向后。这是他另外一只脚。弯着因为他在地上走。And that’s what you have to do, you have to establish where the ground line is, and we’re going to do that with a little shadow. Now, his arms. Okay. This arm’s out and, put that circle in there. Here’s his thumb and here’s his pointer finger, and these are back. And normally that would look like he’s pointing, but, if I put a sound effect there like a snap (SFX FINGER SNAP) that looks like he just snapped his fingers. 这就是你需要做的,你需要画出地平线的位置,我们需要画一些阴影,好了,他的胳膊,胳膊出来,这里画上圆。这是他的拇指还有他指着的手指。向后,通常看起来像是在指着什么,但是如果我放一些声效,例如Snap,(响指的声音),看起来像是他刚刚打了响指。 And back here we’re going to put his other arm in. And if he’s cool, let’s see, there’s his fist. He’s holding a boom box. Radio. Criss-crosses like that. Again, this is one of those objects that you don’t have to go crazy with, people can tell. And, of course, those cartoon effects and accessories. Some wavy lines coming out of this. 这里画上他的另外一只胳膊。如果他很冷,这是他的拳头。他拿着一个盒子,收音机,线是交叉的,你不需要画得很细,人们可以看明白。当然还有卡通特效,一些弯弯曲曲得线出来。And some musical notes (FUNKY MUSIC) for cartoon effects and accessories, and you’ll know that he’s carrying a radio. And he’s cool. He’s a water ice guy. And let’s see, we can put up here, ‘I’m Cool’. And this could be for a sign at a water ice place. So as I said, check around in your area for someone who might need your help. Now, stay tuned for the Feature of the Day.一些卡通特效音符,这样你知道他拿着的是收音机。他很冷,他拿着刨冰。我可以把文字放在这里,我很冷。这可以是一个卖刨冰的招牌。所以我说,在你附近看看有没有需要卡通画帮助的地方,别走开,继续收看我们的当日特辑。

Alright, now for this feature, we’re going to make a thaumatrope. Sounds like a medical instrument doesn’t it? Alright, open wide. Ah, bring in the thaumatrope here. No, it’s nothing like that. What the thaumatrope is is it’s a visual gimmick and it deals with the persistence of vision, and if your mind sees something and then it sees another in rapid succession, these two images kinda fuse together in your mind. Now I’ll show you one I have here. 好了,今天的特辑,我们要画西洋镜,听起来像是医疗器具,是不是?好了,很宽。在这里画上西洋镜,好了,不太像。西洋镜就是一个视觉小技巧,视觉的持续性,如果你看见一些东西,然后马上又连续快速看到一些另外的东西,这两样东西就连在了一起,我给你看一个。This is a thaumatrope was already done and on one side you can see I’ve got flowers. And just floating in the air like that. But on the other side, I’ve got a vase with nothing in it. Now I have the whole thing stapled onto an ordinary drinking straw. Now watch what happens when I roll it between my fingers. 这是一个做好的西洋镜,一边,你可以看到一些花。在空中飞,另外一边有个花瓶。里面什么都没有。我把它们钉在普通的吸管上,看着我把它们在手指间转动时会发生什么。The two images fuse together, and you’ve got the flowers in the vase. Pretty neat, huh? Alright, let’s do one together. And all you have to do is get some paper. It should be a little stiffer than ordinary paper and cut out circles. You can use a compass or trace a roll of tape or something might work. 两副图融合在一起了,你看到花瓶里有花,很好玩,是吧?好了,我们再一起做一个。你需要拿出一些纸,应该比普通的纸要硬一些,切出一些圆,你可以用指南针或者沿着一卷胶带,或者其它类似的东西画。Okay, we’ll put this down and we’ll draw on one side. We’ll do something a little different this time. We’ll draw a bird cage. And that’s nothing more than a thumb print, just like that. And a flat bottom. Now we’ll put in the bars for the cage. And a line on top, a line down here. And we’ll put the little hook on the top, how’s that, where it hangs down. And now, put a little color in the background just to make the image pop to the foreground a little bit. 好了,我们把这个放下,我们在一面画。这次我们画一些不同的,我们来画一个鸟笼,就是像一个拇指印,底部是平的。我会在鸟笼里画上栅栏。上面一条线,下面一条线。上面画上小钩子,怎么样,垂下来。现在,在背景上画些蓝色,这样这副画显得更突出一些。 See, when you have a color like blue, it kinda wants to stay in the back and makes the image pop forward. Okay, that takes care of that one. Now on another disk, I am going to draw the bird that will be in the cage. Let’s start with his eye. And here’s his beak. Let’s give him a smile. And a couple of feathers on his head. Here’s his body, and there he is. Here’s his wing, he’s a happy little guy. 蓝色给人感觉是一种很好的背景色,可以让主体更突出。好了,这个差不多了,在另外一片上,我要画上笼子的鸟。我们从眼睛开始,这是它的嘴,微笑着,头上一些羽毛,身体,好了。翅膀,它是个快乐的家伙。 Some feet. And let’s put some color in him as well. And I’ll use a little bit of yellow for his body, his feathers; his tail feathers. And for his beak, a little bit of orange. And for his feet. Now here it goes, we take these two images and we line them up like this. And if you hold it up to the light you can see them a little bit. And you put the bird right in the cage. Then you take your stapler, staple one there, maybe one right on top and on the side. 爪子,给它上些颜色,身体用些黄色,羽毛,尾巴上的羽毛。嘴,是桔黄色的。爪子。好了,我们把这两副图连在一起,在光线下,你可以看清楚一点。你把鸟放在鸟笼里,然后用订书器,订在一起,一个在上面,一个在一边。 Now that they’re together and you know that they’re registered - that means that they’re in the right position - take your drinking straw and you insert it right up the center, just like this. And you staple it just like this. Alright , you ready? Okay. There is the bird, there is the cage. We spin it and there he is inside the cage. Look at that, it worked nice. Okay, you can try this at home. You could have a bear peeking out of a cave, you could have a mouse peeking out of his mousehole, or even draw a lion without his mane, and on the other side draw his mane. It’s great fun, and you’ll love it. Next stay tuned for cartoon Doodle Tricks. 现在它们在一起了,它们钉在一起了,说明它们的位置是对的,拿出你的吸管,在中间的部分插进去,像这样。这样钉好。好了,你准备好了吗?好了,这是鸟,这是鸟笼。我们转一下,好了,它在笼子里了。看着,效果不错。你可以在家里试试。或者是一只熊从洞里露出头来,或者是老鼠从洞里露出头来,或者画一只没有棕毛的狮子,在另外一边画上它的棕毛,非常有趣,你会喜欢的。接下来是卡通涂鸦窍门。

BRUCE: Okay, for our Doodle Trick today, we’re going to do nametoons. And some friends stopped by, how are you doing guys? 好了,今天的涂鸦窍门,我们要画名字卡通,一些朋友来到这里,你们好吗?

KIDS: Oh fine, Oh great.好,很好

BRUCE: Let’s get started with our first one, and we’ll do a name, Alf. That’s an easy one. Start with an A – L – F. Alright, now, we’re going to draw a face out of this. And we’ll start with some eyes. And a couple of dots there, and some eyebrows, and that’ll be the nose. And this is the line around the nostril. And there is no technical name for that, it’s called the line around the nostril. And right over here, we’ll put an ear in. And we’ll make another ear over here. And this is going to be hair. Let’s have the hair coming out that way. And a couple sticking up this way, and some hair going over here. And for his facial outline, let’s see, we’ll give him a funny looking chin and a big smile. And some cheeks. There you go, you like that? 我们先从第一个开始,我们来写一个名字,Alf.非常简单。先写上A L F,好了,我们从它画出一张脸。先画出眼睛。一些点,眉毛,这是鼻子,这是鼻子周围的线,没有准确名称,也许叫做鼻周线,这里,画上耳朵。这是头发,头发出来,一些直立,一些这样。面部轮廓,画上一个可笑的下巴,很大的微笑。脸颊,好了,你喜欢吗?

KIDS: Yeah, Yeah, I like it.是的,喜欢。

BRUCE: Okay, great, let’s do another one. Alright, this time let’s start with the name, ahhh…Oh, I know, let’s do a boy and his dog. Joe. J-O-E. Now let’s see, put a head right here. A hand. And that could be his arms and his hand. Let’s give him a nose right there and a big smile. And let’s have him, big ears and some hair flying back ‘cause he’s running. And this part of the J will be his foot. And his other foot comes out this way. Alright. There’s Joe, now let’s draw Joe’s dog, right here. So right over here we’ll put a circle with a funny nose, and a smile, and some whiskers. And right up here, put some eyes, some ears. And you’re saying, well, what’s this part? Well, we’ll turn that into his paws. Front paws and connect those two shapes. And let’s see we’ll have his back legs and we’ll double that. And his tail. And some shadows. And a sound effect. Arf.好了,我们再画一个,这次是从名字,我们画一个男孩和他的狗,Joe, J O E, 好了,在这里画上头,手,这是他的胳膊还有他的手。这里画上鼻子,微笑。大大的眼睛,头发向后飞,因为他在奔跑。J的这部分是他的脚,另外一只脚这样出来。好的,这是Joe,我们来画Joe的狗,在这里,我们画一个圆,可爱的鼻子,微笑,胡须,在这里,画上一些眼睛,耳朵,你在说,这部分是什么?我们把它画成它的爪子,前爪,然后把这两个形状连在一起,后腿,把线加双,他的尾巴,阴影,声效。

(SFX BARK) How’s that, you like that?怎么样,喜欢吗?

KIDS: Yeah, Yeah, Like that.是的,喜欢。

BRUCE: I’ve got another one. Now this time we’re going to draw the name, write the name Sam, and we’re going to use script, because script presents all kinds of curly cues and it makes it a little more interesting. Watch. A – M. Sam. Okay, right here, that will be the nose. So if that’s that nose, we’ll put some eyes up here. And some dots inside. And some eyebrows. You know what, let’s have his eyes half closed, just like that. And this up here will be his ear. And another ear over here. And this can be a beard. And some wavy lines out for the other side of his moustache. And a big smile. And some hair out like this. And he looks like a musical conductor. (CLASSICAL MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND) So let’s put some musical notes. How about that, you like that one?我再来画一个。这次我们来画名字,写下名字Sam,我们用手写体,因为会出现各种弯线,看起来更有趣一些。看着, A M, Sam,这里是鼻子,如果这里是鼻子,我们在这里画上眼睛。里面的一些点,眉毛,你知道的,眼睛半闭着,像这样。这里是他的耳朵部分。另外一只耳朵在这里。可以是胡子,一些弯线是胡子的另外一边。微笑,一些头发胡来,他看起来像是音乐指挥(音乐),我们来画一些音符,怎么样,你喜欢吗?

KIDS: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.是的

BRUCE: Well, that’s all the time we have for today. And I hope you’ve enjoyed it at home and I hope you guys liked it. And for our Tip of the Day, you know they say the longest journey begins with the first step, well, the same thing here. “THE GREATEST ART MASTERPIECE BEGINS WITH THE FIRST LINE!”. So you don’t worry about it, you just get started. 好了,今天的节目时间差不多了。我希望你们还有观众能够喜欢。今天的布里兹提示是漫长的旅途都是从迈出的第一步开始的,相同的道理是“最伟大的艺术作品也是从一根线条开始的。所以,别担心,勇敢的开始做。

I’m Bruce Blitz saying thanks for being with me today, and help me out guys:
BRUCE and KIDS: Keep on Cartooning!
BRUCE: There you go.

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